NameWendel Miller

Birth1730, Germany
Death1805, Rowan County, NC
BurialOrgan Lutheran Church Cemetery, Rowan County, NC
ChildrenPeter (1771-1850)
Notes for Wendel Miller
In German the name is Mueller, but Wendel’s handwritten will, dated 17 Nov 1804, uses and is signed Wendle Miller.
Wendel arrived in Philadelphia from Rotterdam in 1754 on the ship Brothers. [The BROTHERS landed in Philadelphia on September 30, 1754. See list of landings below.] The name of his first wife and the date of his first marriage are unknown. His oldest child, Frederick, states on his application for a Revolutionary War pension in Kentucky that he was born in Rowan County, North Carolina, in 1756. Wendel was registered on the earliest existing tax list for Rowan County in 1759.
Wendel helped build a road from the Granville line (Cabarrus County line) to Buffalo Creek Road. In 1774 he was appointed an overseer of the road from a ridge between Buffalo and Second Dutch Creeks to the Pee Dee River. He was nominated lieutenant by the Rowan County Safety Commission on 11 Nov 1775, was a constable in 1777, and was a tax assessor for his district. A list of officers nominated by the Safety Commission to the Provincial Congress includes Lieutenant Windell Miller.
When Jacob Frick appeared before the Circuit Court of Union County, Illinois, to apply for a Revolutionary War pension, he swore that at the time of entering service he resided in Rowan County, North Carolina, and "that at the commencement of the Revolutionary War, he does not know the month or year, he volunteered under one Captain Wendle Miller and was then marched immediately to join what was then called the South Army then laying at a place named Ninety-Six." [Sworn to and subscribed before W. David, Clerk of Court, 15 Oct 1832]
Frederick Miller also served in his father's regiment. Wendel provided supplies for the Militia of North Carolina, Virginia, and South Carolina, was wounded at Eutaw Springs, and was allowed £6824 for brandy and corn.
The Miller’s first worshiped in the Old Hickory Church near the present St. Peter’s Lutheran Church 2.5 miles east of Rockwell. A monument in the St. Peter’s cemetery marks the location. Wendel was on the building committee for Organ Lutheran Church, was on the church council, and was one of the 44 men who signed the church constitution adopted in 1789. It was reaffirmed in 1826 and signed by 157 men of whom 10 were his sons and grandsons. Wendel took communion in Nov, 1804, and died early in 1805.
Wendel's will (given in full below) included these provisions:
1. To his wife Christina — the Negro girl named Polly, one bed and furniture, one spinning wheel, one iron pot, one pewter dish, six plates and six spoons, the choice of one horse, saddle and bridle, the choice of one cow, and one room in the house for her own use. When his youngest son, David, comes of age, Wendel's sons George and Henry are directed to give Christina yearly 3 bushels of wheat, 5 bushels of corn, 50 pounds of beef, and 25 pounds of pork.
2. To son Peter — 360 Spanish Milled Dollars.
3. To son David — 350 Spanish Milled Dollars.
4. To sons George and Henry, the plantation, divided equally, the lower part to George, the upper to Henry.
5. To daughters Catharina, Ana Maria, Susana, Philippina, Elizabeth, Sarah, Rachel, and Christina — 100 Spanish Milled Dollars. Catharina's husband, John Brown, had received 60 dollars from Wendel, so Catharina was to get only 40.
6. To son Frederick — 25 Spanish Milled Dollars.
7. To son John — 20 Spanish Milled Dollars.
8. To the Second Creek Congregation — 50 dollars.
9. The Negro woman, Patt, is to be hired out yearly for the benefit of the estate.
10. When son, David, becomes of age, all Wendel's property is to be sold, the above named sums are to be paid, wife Christina is to receive 100 dollars, and the rest is to be divided equally among his children, step-daughter Elizabeth excepted.
Executors are George Henry Berger, wife Christina, and son Philip. They are empowered to make deeds for the land willed to George and Henry.
Signed in the presence of Charles Stork and Daniel Berger, 17 Nov 1804.
After Lord Granville died, the Land Office for the Granville Proprietary closed in 1763. The area was the entire upper half of North Carolina including all of original Rowan County. For 15 years there was no way to obtain title to vacant land in the Granville Proprietary. When the state land office opened in 1778, there was a rush by squatters to enter the land on which they had been living so that they might claim title to it.
Property listed as "on" a stream is "on the watershed of" that stream, not necessarily bordering it.
In 1737 London merchant Henry McCulloch was granted 1,200,000 acres, some 450,000 of which lay in the Granville Proprietary.
It is recorded in Rowan County Tax Lists that "John Van Pool entered 200 acres between John Hampton and Windle Miller's lines on the School House Branch." (See the map of Original Land Grants in Robert W. Ramsey, CAROLINA CRADE, UNC Press, 1964)
1788 southern Rowan County tax list
Wendel Miller: 965 acres and one white poll
1796 tax list for Rowan County south of Salisbury
Wendel Mellor: 1160 acres, one white poll, and one black poll
1798 900 A, 1 WP
Mar 21, 1780, State Grant #178 to Christopher Lyerly, 398 acres on both sides of the Mill Branch of Dutchman's Crk adj. Windle Miller and 6 others
Oct 10, 1783, State Grant #483 to Jacob Clutz, 639 acres on both sides of Dutch Second Crk adj. Wendle Miller and Michael Brown
Nov 4, 1784, State Grant #786 to Michael Pelor, 250 acres on both sides Second Crk adj. Windle Miller and 3 others
Nov 4, 1784, State Grant #738 to John Vanpoole, 173 acres on Second Creek adj. John Hampton and Windle Miller
Nov 4, 1784, State Grant #936 to Andrew Betz, 100 acres on Dutch Second Creek adj. himself, Windle Miller and 3 others
Mar 24, 1785, David Woodson to Andrew Holtzhouser, 424 acres on N. side Dutch Second Creek adj. Windle Miller and 6 others
In the name of God, Amen.
I, Wendle Miller, of Rowan County and State of N. Carolina, being in sound mind and memory, but weak in body, and knowing that it is appointed unto all men once to die, have thought proper to dispose of my worldly property, with which it has pleased God to bless me, in the following manner, Viz:
1. I give and bequeath to my dearly beloved wife, Christina, one negro girl named Polly, to be her own property as long as my wife shall remain widow, further I give to my wife, Christina, one bed and furniture, one spinning wheel, one iron pot, one pewter dish, six plates and six spoons, the choice of one horse, saddle and bridle, the choice of one cow. It is also my will that my wife shall have and one room in the house wherein I now live, for her own use. The above mentioned articles are to be delivered to my wife whenever my youngest son, David, becomes of age. It is further my will that from the time when my son David comes of age, my son George and Henry shall give unto my wife, Christina, yearly each of them, three bushels of wheat, five bushels of corn, fifty pounds of beef, and twenty five pounds of pork.
2. I give and bequeath to my son Peter, three hundred and sixty Spanish Milled Dollars.
3. I give and bequeath to my son David, the sum of three hundred and fifty Spanish Milled Dollars.
4. I give and bequeath to my sons George and Henry, my plantation whereon I now live, to be divided amongst them in equal shares, so as my son George shall have the lower part, and my son Henry the upper part with the improvements.
5. I give and bequeath to my daughters Catharina, Anna Maria, Susana, Philippina, Elizabeth, Sarah, Rachel, and Christina, to each and every one of them, the sum of one hundred Spanish Milled Dollars. But as my son-in-law, John Brown, has received from me sixty dollars, for which I have a receipt from under his hand, it is my will that these sixty dollars shall be deducted from the above mentioned sum willed to his wife, Catharina and she is only to get forty dollars more.
6. I give and bequeath to my son, Frederick, the sum of twenty five Spanish Milled Dollars.
7. I give and bequeath to my son, John, twenty Spanish Milled Dollars.
8. I give and bequeath to the Second Creek Congregation the sum of fifty dollars. It is further my will, that the negro woman, Patt, shall be hired out yearly for the benefit of my estate; and it is also my will that there shall be no vendue made until my son, David, becomes of age, all my property shall be sold, and the money arising from that sale shall be divided into equal shares amongst all my children, my step-daughter Elizabeth excepted, provided that before this distribution takes place the above mentioned sums are paid and also one hundred dollars to my wife, Christina.
It is my will also, that my wife Christina, shall have the power to furnish out of my estate those of my children which are yet unmarried at the time of their marriage with the same articles with which my married children have been furnished; and if at the time when the above distributions take place any of my children are single yet, they shall be provided for and furnished in the same manner.
It is further my will that if any building or repairs of buildings is necessary it shall be paid out of my estate.
I make, ordain and constitute my friend George Henry Berger, my wife, Christina, and son Philip, Executors of this will, and I empower them to make deeds to my sons George and Henry for the land herein willed. Then I declare this to be my last will and testament and pronounce all others null and void.
In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this 17th day of November, 1804.
Wendle Miller (Seal)
Signed in the presence of:
Charles Stork
Daniel Berger
1790 Rowan County census - Wendle Miller (entry #2156)
2 free white males 16 or older
4 free white males under 16
4 free white females
0 other free persons
0 slaves
Wendell Miller and Johannes Lippert are executors for the will of Lorentz Lingel, written in German and dated 9 June 1775.
ABSTARCTS OF THE DEEDS OF ROWAN COUNTY, NC, 1753-1785, vols 1-10, Linn, 1983
21 Mar 1780, State Grant #178 to Christopher Lyerly, 398 acres on both sides of the Mill Branch of Dutchman's Creek adj. Windle Miller and 6 others.
10 Oct 1783, State Grant #483 to Jacob Clutz, 639 acres on both sides of
Dutchman Second Creek adj. Wendle Miller and Michael Brown.
4 Nov 1784, State Grant #786 to Michael Pelor, 250 acres on both sides of Second Creek adj. Windle Miller and 3 others.
4 Nov 1784, State Grant #738 to John Vanpoole, 173 acres on Second Creek adj. John Hampton and Windle Miller.
4 Nov 1784, State Grant #936 to Andrew Betz, 100 acres on Dutch Second Creek adj. himself, Windle Miller, and 3 others.
24 Mar 1785, David Woodson to Andrew Holtzhouser, 424 acres on N. side Dutch Second Creek adj. Windle Miller and 6 others.
[RE: map p. 386 WM&HD]
Deed Book 11, p. 130, 25 Oct 1786, State Grant #1290
@ 50 sh per 100A to Windel Miller, 502 A on both sides of Second Creek
(Deed plotted on Kluttz' blue maps)
Deed Book 11, p. 53, 26 Apr 1787
Joseph Callaway and wf Subbrina (X) to Windle Miller for £130, 320 A on Royals Crk which was a grant dated 4 Nov 1784.
Wit: John Rogers, Frederick Miller.
Prvd by Miller at Aug ct. 1787.
(Deed plotted on Kluttz' maps)
Deed Book 11, p. 103, 25 Oct 1786, State Grant #1121
@ 50 sh per 100A to Windel Miller, 235 A on both sides of Rocky Run adj. Joseph Phillips, Thomas Phillips, his own land, and John Pool
[RE: map p. 386 WM&HD]
Deed Book 11, p. 180, 25 Oct 1786, State Grant #1203
@ 50 sh per 100A to Windle Miller, 405A adj. Thomas Brown, John Pool, his own land, and Martin Miller
[On Kluttz' map]
Deed Book 11, p. 447A, 9 Mar 1788
Windle Miller and wf Christina (V) to Frederick Miller for £50, 235 A on both sides of Rockey Run of Second Dutch Crk adj. Josse Phillips, Thomas Phillips, this grantor, and John Van Poole.
Deed Book 11, p. 658, 19 Nov 1788
John Dunne to Windle Miller for £100, 250 A on Ryals Crk. adj. Tho. Lambert. Wit: Thomas Allen, John (+) Arnheart. Rrvd. by Allen at May ct. 1789. (on map)
Deed Book 11, p. 678, 4 May 1788
Windle Miller to Nicholas Miller for £150, 249A on both sides of Dutch Second Creek adj. Anthony Peller
These dates and ship names are from the book "Pennsylvania German Pioneers" by Ralph B. Strassburger and William J. Hinke, published in 1934 by the Pennsylvania German Society, Norristown, Pennsylvania.
13 OCT 1747 Two Brothers
15 SEP 1748 Two Brothers
14 SEP 1749 Two Brothers
24 AUG 1750 Brothers
28 AUG 1750 Two Brothers
3 NOV 1750 Brotherhood
16 SEP 1751 Brothers
21 SEP 1751 Two Brothers
15 SEP 1752 Two Brothers
22 SEP 1752 Brothers.
26 SEP 1753 Brothers
28 SEP 1753 Two Brothers
30 SEP 1754 Brothers