NameJohn Ewing Misenheimer

Death19 Jul 2008
Notes for John Ewing Misenheimer
John E. Misenheimer
SUN CITY CENTER, Fla. - John Ewing Misenheimer, 75, of Sun City Center, passed away July 19, 2008, surrounded by his loving family.
A longtime resident of Laurel, Md., John was an avid sailor and loving family man. John retired from the Naval Department after spending a significant portion of his career on the development of the first global positioning system. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of the Korean War.
Originally from Rockwell N.C., he was preceded in death by his parents, Albert and Lizzy, a sister, Christine, and a brother, "WT" William.
He is survived by his loving wife of 53 years, Dorothy; two sons, Eric and Keith (wife Maria); sister Sarah "Cathy"; as well as many loving brothers- and sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews and friends.
Service: A service will be held 1 p.m. Thursday July 24, at St. John the Divine Episcopal Church, Ruskin, FL. There will be a memorial service and placement of his ashes in Laurel, Md., sometime in September 2008.
Sun City Center Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
Salisbury Post, July 23, 2008