NameShari Ann Morgan

Birth1 Jun 1963, Rowan County, NC
Death28 May 2023
Notes for Shari Ann Morgan
Shari Ann Morgan
Shari Ann Morgan passed away on May 28, 2023, after several years of illness.
Shari was born in Rowan County on June 1, 1963, to William Morgan (Bill) and Lois Faye Hartman Morgan. She is survived by her daughter, Kayla Shae Morgan; sister, Deborah (Debbie) Morgan Young (Pete Young); brother, William Morgan Jr. (Rusty) (Susan Morgan); three nieces; three nephews: and seven great-nieces and nephews. Shari also leaves behind her precious cat Gracie, whom she loved dearly.
Shari graduated from North Rowan High School in 1981. She was a teacher assistant and bus driver at North Rowan Elementary School for over 25 years. Shari enjoyed being a bus driver and her love for the children at North Rowan Elementary was genuine and deep. Shari’s happy place was being at Cherry Grove Beach with her daughter by her side or spending Christmas Eve with family.
Love and appreciation are extended to the dear friends and family who offered their continuous kindness and support of Shari. The family also extends their gratitude to her caregivers for their compassionate care. These include the staff at Wallace Cancer Center, Autumn Care of Salisbury and Glenn A. Kiser Hospice House.
A memorial service for Shari will be on Wednesday, June 7 at 2:00 pm in the sanctuary of Central United Methodist Church, 200 4th Street, Spencer. Visitation with the family will follow immediately after the service.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to:
Central United Methodist Church
200 Fourth Street
Spencer, NC 28159
(Designate on memo line: Youth Fund)
Lyerly Funeral Home is serving the Morgan family.