NameBennett Francis Goodman

Birth12 Jul 1883, Rowan County, NC
Death9 Dec 1964, Salisbury, Rowan County, NC
BurialLiberty UMC Cemetery, Liberty, Rowan County, NC
Birth9 Aug 1886, Rowan County, NC
Death4 May 1960, Salisbury, Rowan County, NC
BurialLiberty UMC Cemetery, Liberty, Rowan County, NC
Marriage25 Dec 1905, Rowan County, NC
Notes for Bennett Francis Goodman
“When the family farm could no longer provide enough work for all the boys, the 21-year-old Enoch took a job at a sawmill. He and brother, B.F., soon pieced together a sawmill of their own, moving it to wherever they could buy and harvest timber in Rowan County.” Salisbury Post