NameLottie Sophia McCombs 
Birth25 Sep 1867
FatherWilliam Martin McCombs (1840-1910)
MotherClementine Holshouser (1840-1900)
Birth10 Oct 1866
Ila Cladora Clementine (1893-)
Hoke Doran (1899-1991)
Lottie Thelma (1901-)
Notes for Lottie Sophia McCombs
Brown Family Reunion
Salisbury Post, 21 Nov 2010
A reunion of the Dolphus M. Brown and Lottie S. McCombs family was held on Sunday, Nov. 14 at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Salisbury. A covered dish meal was enjoyed by the 30 members present. The order of business was conducted by president Perry Julian. Arlene Basinger Haynes, Carol Basinger Edwards and Lottie Ritchie Simpson were elected as planning assistants.
All eight first generation families were well represented including the following: Grace and Ernest Wilhelm, Nora and Sidney Misenheimer, Maude and Harvey Fink, Ila and Gilbert Ritchie, Maggie and Cecil Julian, Hoke and Omah Shuping Brown, Thelma and Lonnie Bernhardt, and Katie and Homer Basinger.
The oldest person present was Zada Misenheimer Stafford who recently celebrated her 96th birthday. Her granddaughter Susan Taylor was the youngest member attending.
The altar flowers were donated to the families of Ruth Canup Bernhardt and Luther Paul Canup as a love gift.
The group decided to hold their next annual reunion at the same time and location on Nov. 13, 2011.
Other members attending were as follows: Ruth Earnhardt Julian, Dico (Mrs. Hoke) Wilhelm, Vaugn and Nancy Wilhelm, Wayne and Johnsie Stafford Taylor, Harry and Lottie Ritchie Simpson, Herman Ritchie, Voight and Frances Basinger, Jerry and Linda Deal Beaver, Jimmy Deal, Larry and Carleen Lyerly Fink, Mary Ritchie Sherrill, Nancy H. Poe, Oleba Bernhardt Sebastion, Howard and Carol Basinger Edwards, Phyllis Basinger Beck, Worth and Clarene Fink, Howard Haynes and Lynn Miller.
Attending as guests were Doug Lyerly and Sara Abernathy.