Family Card - Person Sheet
Family Card - Person Sheet
NameJames Kirk
Birthabt 1841
DeathMay 1862, Williamsburg, Virginia
FatherDaniel Christenberry Kirk (1818-1863)
MotherMartha Ingram (1825-1848)
Notes for James Kirk
Company H, 14th NC Infantry, CSA
Enlisted at age 20, 5 May 1861
Captured at Williamsburg 5 May 1862
Reported in hospital at Williamsburg on or about May 9-11, 1862
No further records

This regiment was brigaded about Nov 1861 with the 13th NC and the 3rd Virginia infantries under General Raleigh E. Colston’s command. It was known as Colston's brigade.

Colston's Brigade was the First Brigade of the Department of Norfolk, then briefly served as part of the Army of the Peninsula before being transferred in Apr 1862 to Longstreet's division under General Joseph E. Johnston at Yorktown. Johnston withdrew troops the night of May 3-4 to Williamsburg. Colston's brigade was ordered forward around 3:30 PM on May 5 to reinforce the Confederate center on the right of Fort Magruder. The line held, and that evening Longstreet began withdrawing his troops unopposed to just east of Richmond. At Williamsburg on May 5 the regiment lost 8 killed and 9 wounded.
Last Modified 5 Jul 2015Created 1 Feb 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh