Photo of Joseph and Mary Ann Wyatt Eagle family taken at Christmas 1896: Page wrote:
Until 1883 Joseph Eagle lived with his large family about 1/4 mi. S.W. of the Garfield (later Liberty) Village Cross Road in Eastern Rowan County on the Stokes Ferry Rd. The rented farm of 325 acres was owned by a Mr. Halsey of New York and the farm buildings were typical of the times. There was a log barn, a spring house, and the home consisted of a central structure of very heavy logs to which had been added a lean-to kitchen and two tiny guest rooms.
The local Methodist Church, wishing to have a resident minister, constructed a two story house on the Stokes Ferry Road behind the church which stood on the village square. For some reason the plan for a resident minister failed to materialize and Joseph reimbursed the church the cost of the house, so instead of a Methodist Parsonage, it became his home in 1883. He lived there until his death in 1911. Later his grand daughter, Carrie Eagle Morgan and her husband, Adolphus (Dolph) reared their family there.
Joseph was a man of strong religious bent, very energetic and out-spoken - one whose presence was a force in both village affairs and church activities.
1870 Rowan County census
Morgan Township, 26 July 1870
dwelling #167, family #160
Eagle, Joseph 31M farmer, value of real estate 130
Eagle, Mary Ann 31F keeping house
Eagle, Noah C 9M at home
Eagle, Nancy J 8F at home
Eagle, Eli E 6M at home
Eagle, Mary M 3F at home
Eagle, ???? L 1M at home [This is Frances Lou, but the census record seems to indicate male.]
1880 Rowan County census
Joseph EAGLE Self Male 40 Farmer
Mary A. EAGLE Wife Female 41 Keeping House
Noah C. EAGLE Son Male 19 Works On Farm
Eli E. EAGLE Son Male 15 Works On Farm
Mary M. EAGLE Dau Femal 13
Frances L. EAGLE Dau Female 11
Amanda C. EAGLE Dau Female 9
Wm. G. EAGLE Son Male 7
Josephine EAGLE Dau Female 5
John S. EAGLE Son Male 3
Jos. T. EAGLE Son Male 1