NameSelina L. James

Birth10 Aug 1827, Anson County, NC
Death10 Jun 1900, Stanly County, NC
BurialOak Grove UMC Cemetery, Stanly County, NC
Birth29 May 1826, Anson County, NC
Death12 Jan 1865, Hilton Head, Beaufort County, SC
Occupationbrick mason
Notes for Selina L. James
"Salina rejected the fact of her husband's death and for many years kept alive a false hope that he would return." [Mamie Frick Page]
Following the death of her daughter-in-law, Millie Lambert Dunn, in 1892, Salina lived with her son Frank and cared for the 3 children, all under 4 at the time of their mother's death.
In the video conversation with Franklin and Mamie Page which Lavon Page recorded on 18 May 1981 [part 4], Mamie recalls hearing Salina's granddaughter, Elizabeth Dunn Page, tell of the difficult life of poor southerners as a result of the Civil War. Salina was left a widow with 6 children, 3 under 10. At times Salina would prepare what she could in the way of a meal, but eat nothing herself so the children could have enough. Simply coming up with food to eat was an exhausting task at that time.